
Showing posts from August, 2020

Benefits of Psychometric Testing in Assessing Candidates

Many companies right from small firms to corporate conglomerates are opting for psychometric tests to determine the emotional and intellectual abilities of a candidate. Along with reference checks on past employments, reviewing resumes and conducting interviews, a majority of organizations have ingrained psychometric tests as an essential part of the recruitment process. At present, larger companies are spending millions on getting their assessments entirely customized to suit particular roles. You may already have witnessed positive ramifications in employing staff who are most suited to the company’s work culture. In case if you are still not making use of psychometric testing as a recruitment strategy, it would be worth thinking about. In this article, we will broadly discuss the merits of psychometric testing. Let’s explore the benefits of using psychometric tests to shortlist suitable candidates. What is a psychometric test? The sole purpose of psychometric testing on potential ca